

This module will calculate all commissions and charges according to Dubus rules.


Tarif Normal :

        4.9 Euros HT / order up o 2000 Euros + 0.30 % HT after (since 26/05/2005 4.9 € instead of 4 €)
        Account charge : 0.37 € HT (min 100 €)

Tarif Forfait :

        4.9 Euros HT / order up o 2000 Euros + 0.30 % HT after (since 26/05/2005 4.9 € instead of 4 €)
        15 € Euros HT / order up to 30000 Euros
        25 € Euros HT / order up to 75000 Euros
        50 € Euros HT / more than 75000 Euros
        Account charge : 76 €


The first parameter could be initialized to : "Normal" => Tarif Normal "Forfait" => Tarif Forfait


Return the amount of money ask by the broker for the given order.

$broker->calculate_annual_account_charge($portfolio, $year)

Return the amount of money ask by the broker for the given year according to the given portfolio.